Curator at the Theatermuseum, Vienna
Studies in scenography and doctorate in philosophy and art anthropology at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts (2011 doctorate). Since 2013 curator at the Theatre Museum in Vienna, initially in the collection of stage design models and costumes, since May 2015 curator of the collections of hand drawings and models. Main research interests: Morphology and historical development of the stage, forms of staging in the Middle Ages, theatre aesthetics and technology in the Renaissance and Baroque, reconstruction of historical theatre events through digital media. He has published widely on these topics and given lectures at an international level, including at the University of Florence, the University of Stuttgart, the University of Giessen, the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, the Salon du Dessin in Paris, the University of Glasgow, the University of Ljubljana, the Universidad Complutense in Madrid and the University of Malaga. The most recent exhibitions he has curated or co-curated are Spettacolo barocco! Triumph des Theaters (Theatermuseum, 2016), The Magic Space. Stage – Image – Model (Theatermuseum, 2017), Grotesque Comedy. Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini (Theatremuseum, 2020), Higher Powers. People, Gods and Forces of Nature (Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, 2021) and ART-ES. From real life into the world of art (2021, virtual exhibition).